Monday, July 22

Claire... A Dose of Good Medicine!

My "Happy Birthday, Claire" post did not make it on Friday which was actually her birthday. I guess we were busy with a slumber party, preparing for a skating party and just enjoying her excitement.

We certainly had a great weekend celebrating CLAIRE! She's easy to celebrate. The smiles in this picture say it all. The smallest things bring a smile to Claire's face. In the above picture, you can see... She's smiling over 2 Gigi's cupcakes! She's smiling over the Courageous DVD she opened from Scotty & me. She's all smiles putting on her skates and riding her bike with no training wheels. She's just happy! She loves to smile! And, she's brought 6 years worth of JOY to our lives simply being CLAIRE!

Sure! Claire has bad days, whiny days, fussy days. She is normal. But, for the most part, she's very satisfied & content in life. She's grateful for even the small things. And, when I'm feeling rotten and tempted to focus on something negative, I need to take a few lessons from Claire, smile, and look for the things to rejoice in.

And, hey... that's not a bad idea, because she's been DYING to teach me a thing or two for at least 5 of her 6 years! Yes, Claire is our happy, joyful, content, funny and maybe a teeny bit bossy baby girl. We are BEYOND grateful to call her our daughter.

"A joyful heart is good medicine..." Proverbs 17:22

1 comment :

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday, Claire! We miss you! Call us when you come to Clinton again! ----love, Mati Claire ;)

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