Monday, April 6

Truth from a Six Year Old

I spent this past weekend in New Orleans with my mom, my sister and Beth Moore. My birthday was Saturday, and I can't think of a better way to spend it.

We learned so much this weekend. If you've ever heard Beth speak live, then you know that we were also inspired. Her message was powerful, and we came away with many jewels.

She delivered 7 points from the fifth chapter of 1 Thessalonians. I won't post them all. But, the gist of the message was that we might be found "holy" through "wholeness" in Him. We laughed A LOT and cried some, too. Beth just has a gift with words and the delivery of them.

Friday night she spent most of our time talking about the importance of community. Her point? We can't be whole without others. This point was not foreign to me. I love community. I treasure my relationships with others. And, I know that we were made for such relationships. We were made in His image, and HE is a relational God.

Saturday, Beth talked about so many different things. But, at one point, she said that many of us need to COME BACK to the "land of the living". We can laugh at that choice of wording. We can nod knowing that it is true. However, when I stop and think about how many people (some who you walk and talk with daily) have "checked out" of meaningful life due to defeat in some area, I am completely saddened.

We were made for LIFE.

This morning, we were driving to school. It was a typical Monday morning. We slept a little later, because Sundays are long and hard. Then, I chased both boys around barking out orders, and they did not want to get ready for school. At 7:20, I put Claire in the car and sent Caleb to his seat. Honestly, I was feeling pretty proud that we were going to be on time despite the Monday issues.

I walked back inside to gather the last things and point Collin towards the car, and he was at the toilet pulling down his pants. Of course, it was #2.

With all hope of getting to Clinton Park BEFORE the tardy bell gone, we set out. Claire has a wonderful DVD called Ms. Patty Cake and the Praise Parade. (I would be happy to share more about these DVDs, because we love them.) About halfway to school, Ms. Patty Cake was singing a song about Jesus' death. The boys know all of the words and sing with her all the way to school.

But, today, Collin stopped and said, "WHY did He die?"

I was SO not in the mood for theology discussions, but this is the kind of question that you just can't pass up. So, I'm trying to muster up an easy yet true answer. There was no need. Caleb yelled from the back seat,


Oh my goodness, I'm crying as I type. I simply nodded. Exactly right!

Are you living? If not, do whatever it takes to "come back to the land of the living". He died so that we could do exactly that.

I know you think it can't get any better, BUT....

We were the last car to unload before the tardy bell! Maybe Mondays aren't so bad after all.


Behind Closed Doors said...

That's my boy!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

so precious, amy. loved your post! how beautiful and simple. He died so we could live! not just in heaven, but here in this life as well...such a great reminder. love you much,

Carly Winborne said...

what a wonderful message spoken so plainly. thanks for sharing.

jenny winstead said...

i wish i had had those exact words tonite when i was talking to someone who seems to be straying. sometimes it's the simple things that are said that are the most powerful.

Alyson said...

Hey sis!!
I LOVE this blog!
Thank you for sharing such a sweet, sweet story.
I don't need to tell you how many times I have read it OR how many tears of absolute JOY have been shed!!
Thank you for the AMAZING blessing those 3Cs have been to my life :)

Amy said...
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