Thursday, March 22

Calling all Cheerleaders!

We're all looking for a little inspiration. Right? There's a certain part of all of us, I believe, that needs to feel INSPIRED by something or someone in order to get moving, change a lifestyle, or simply make a decision.

The Biggest Loser inspires me! It's had the affect on me since I first began watching. I can honestly say that I've not gotten through a single episode without tears. The #1 reason I love this show is because it restores HOPE to its contestants, their families and really to most who are watching.

Each season begins with a group of people who are EXTREMELY overweight. The producers tell the stories of the contestants and how they wound up in the situations they are in. But, the basis of each story is the same.... Life got hard and they turned to food. And, when food began to control every aspect of life, each person became HOPELESS in their situation.

Now, I understand that the show isn't completely realistic. These contestants are given full time trainers, chefs, and anyone else needed to take care of life's daily hassles. Their number one job is losing weight; and, at some point, they'll have to enter the real world again. But, each week I watch as pounds fall off and HOPE begins to be restored. In the beginning of the story, a lie was believed and contestants felt they were powerless to make a change. As they work hard, eat right and live a healthier lifestyle, they gain the strength to fight and the LIE loses its power.

Well, this week, Bethany Hamilton visited the contestants. They were on vacation in Hawaii, and she showed up to provide surfing lessons. I loved the whole scene prior to them actually getting on boards and learning to surf. There were 8 contestants. And, while they've lost SO MUCH weight, they are still pretty big. So I was looking at this group of people and thinking, "I'm not so sure they are going to be able to surf." Then, I looked at Bethany Hamilton. She'd just glided in on her surfboard.... and she has ONLY ONE ARM!

So, as you can imagine, there were lots of wipeouts! Editors put it all to music and it was so much fun to watch. But, I saw EVERY contestant stand up on their board at least once. Even the ones that were a little afraid to try, eventually set fear aside and rode a few waves.

HOPE! It conquers fear every time!

But, here's what really got my attention. These contestants are like family at this point in the show's progress. They've lived together in shared space for months. But, I feel that what really makes them family is that they share a common struggle. And, not only do they share in the struggle, they've conquered pieces of the struggle together. As they were floundering in the water and trying to lift themselves onto boards and surf the ocean's waves, their fellow contestants (family) were cheering them on!

Each time the cameras panned the shore, contestants taking a break were enthusiastically CHEERING for their friends. Some of their cheers were for contestants visibly struggling and maybe even frustrated. Some of the cheers were for contestants who began to surf with relative ease. In some cases, it was clear that a contestant was being wooed back towards the feelings of hopelessness and the trainers and fellow contestants couldn't allow that to happen. So, their cheers were meant to reignite the feelings of hope.

I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. There was NO ONE on the shore saying, "You know, you're just not there yet. You probably need to lose a little more weight before we try something this big."

I didn't hear any of the trainers saying, "Good grief! Have I just been wasting my time? All this work, and you can't do better than that?"

And, clearly, there wasn't an editor that said, "O.K. we're just going to show the successful attempts, because the others aren't pretty AT ALL."

Encouragers! Have you ever had someone that spurred you on during one of life's hard "rides"? Do you remember the words that someone spoke to you after one of your most televised "wipeouts"? Can you imagine what it might feel like if someone raved about your less than perfect attempt at life, because they recognized that it signified even better things to come?

I'm so thankful that we've all been able to be the recipients of that kind of encouragement and acceptance. But, why can't it be our default response? And, the 'our' I'm speaking of is the CHURCH. Not my church or your church. But, THE church.... BELIEVERS.

Why is it that one of the most difficult places to hear HOPE being spoken into HOPELESS lives and situations is among a body of believers? Please hear me... I'm not angry! Really. My family has been shown more grace and love over the past months than I ever knew could be given. I'm so grateful. But, as I hear that it may not be the experience of everyone who has recently experienced a 'very televised wipeout', it's caused me to wonder 'WHY'.

For those of us that believe, we are FAMILY! We don't inhabit the same living space, but we DO share the same struggle. It's called sin, and it has a variety of different faces... PRIDE, SELF HATRED, SEXUAL IMMORALITY, GOSSIP, UNFORGIVENESS, JEALOUSY, HATRED, and this list could go on and on and on.

I don't have an answer to the "why" question.  But, I do know this...

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded." Luke 12:48

In my lifetime, I've fallen and blown it. I've messed up more times than I can count. And, I've been given MUCH forgiveness. My mess ups of pride, selfishness and apathy are more acceptable than some of the uglier sins. But, they are sins and this truth remains...

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LORD." Romans 6:23

So, by my understanding, as believers we all have the same struggle (sin) and the same Savior (Jesus). Wouldn't it be better for us to take off the shoulder pads and pick up the pom poms?!?!? Wouldn't it profit our family (believers) more to cheer the fallen back to their feet rather than tackle them to the ground?

"Let us not give up on meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25

In God's great plan for redemption, He chose to demonstrate forgiveness, grace and a LOT of mercy. So, why would I choose to live life withholding mercy and nurturing  bitterness and unforgiveness?

I want to see HOPE restored in this world where so many have settled into HOPELESSNESS. But, I believe I'd be the biggest hypocrite in the world if I stepped OVER my fallen brothers and sisters to take the message of grace, mercy, forgiveness and redemption to the unbelieving world.

I'm getting really long winded, but let me say it this way... if God allowed a MAJOR fall to bring one of His children to the point of REALLY experiencing the grace and freedom HE offers, I really don't want to miss out on the gospel at work. This is redemption at its best! Only OUR GOD can pull someone from a pit of sin, turn their world upside down and set them on a path of ABUNDANT, ETERNAL life!

Now, THAT'S something I'd like to cheer FOR not AGAINST!


theglenns556 said...

Last year, a friend called to tell me her husband of 35 years was having an affair. She was devastated. I wept with her. I encouraged her to fight for her marriage. She told me that I was the ONLY person to encourage her to do that. Every other Christian friend had told her to leave him. She felt alone and rejected by the very body of believers she felt should "cheer" her own to restoration and forgiveness.

Amy said...

I know it's a tough place for people to be in. With this sin, there are obviously more difficult and wide spread consequences. So, others just don't know how to respond. In my case, I get to walk closely with Scotty and encourage him towards wholeness in Christ. Others I'll have to cheer on from a distance. Either way, I believe it's always best to root for God's best in people's lives. And I'm so grateful that's what people have done for us. I'm just heart broken when I hear it's not the case for others.

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