Friday, March 27

A Weight Watchers Way of Life

Well, for the past month or so, I have been feeling the effects of some extra pounds. I don't really "do" the scales. Mainly, I judge by my clothes. If they begin to feel sort of tight, I try to cut back.

I exercise enough, so that method generally works out alright. But, I had gotten into REALLY bad eating patterns. Actually, that's putting it mildly...I had lost control.

So, last week, Heather decided that it was getting very close to swimsuit season, and it was time for us to "get serious". Her plan -- we weigh every morning and text our weight to each other.

Since I HATE the scales, I was not happy about this plan. But, without any control of my own, I had no choice but to play along.

Needless to say, I was NONE TOO HAPPY about the results the next morning. So, as I tried to figure out what I was going to do, I remembered the "point system" that Weight Watchers uses. Basically, you get to eat what you want but with boundaries.

I like this plan, because if I want a doughnut, I can have one. I just have to cut back somewhere else during the day. The problem I had been having was that I was eating whatever I wanted, but I wasn't cutting back anywhere. EXCESS!!!

On a different note, we are experiencing the same kind of issues with our finances. Because of our life choices, we have to be careful about when and where we spend money. We are blessed, so we don't have to completely do without "extras". But, in the same Weight Watchers mindset, if we choose to indulge in one area, we have to cut back in other areas.

In other words, if I WANT that item of clothing for myself (who am I kidding, for my children), I can get it. We just need to eat in for a couple of days to make up for it. The problem I was having was that I was spending what I wanted, but I wasn't cutting back anywhere. EXCESS!!!

So, I'm on the point system for my eating, and I'm adapting my financial thinking to this thought process. It's not natural, because our country lives in EXCESS. See, it's not just our house that is experiencing the effects of living beyond our means. We aren't the only ones that live with plenty but constantly feel that we need MORE. It's a national problem; and, unfortunately, a bail out isn't going to fix it.

No one can bail me out, because the problem is my lack of discipline. Weight Watchers figured that out. The point system works for me, because it made ME responsible for my weight loss. There was no one telling me exactly what I could and could not eat. I use a little common sense and a lot of self discipline (mixed with a healthy fear of a bathing suit) and it becomes a lifestyle of living in moderation rather than excess.

I'm pretty sure it works in the financial world, too. We're going to try it out here. I'll keep you posted.


jenny winstead said...

*as i sit here eating a chickfila w/ fries*
you BOTH make me sick. fat? excess? what.ever. i beg to differ. sit next to ME by the pool this year. that'll make ya feel better.

:) xo

Amy said...

You know why you've noticed a difference in your finances? You had a girl. :)

Amy said...

I don't know why that should make a difference, Amy. I mean, an angel from Heaven delivers a new tub of precious clothes each new season. :)

Dee Dee said...

speaking of clothes...I have Miss Claire's things in a box to be mailed tomorrow. Want to get those shoes to you by Easter!

I'm reigning in my eating, too. I had completely given in to my comfort food cravings, and that was NOT a good thing.

I wish we could take a self-discipline pill, but then, that would defeat the purpose!

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