On February 28th 2005, at approximately 8:15 p.m., my water broke while I was playing Bunko. I was rushed home by a group of friends and then rushed to the hospital with Scotty. Collin arrived at 12:01 a.m. on March 1st.
I clearly had some emotional issues with Caleb and did not have that glorious "I love this child" feeling immediately. But,my memories of Collin's birth are laced with that feeling. I could barely fall asleep that late night because I felt so happy.
Another difference was his personality. Now, obviously, no major personalities were evident during those first few moments. But, Collin was just peaceful and content during our time at the hospital and that continued throughout his first year. He was such a happy baby. He slept through the night between two and three months and rarely fussed. Now, you know I LOVE my Caleb. But, this baby's easiness was a welcomed surprise.
Anyone who knows Collin is grinning right about now, because you know that he has also brought a number of surprises that were not so welcomed. At one year, Collin turned into wild child -- still a very happy child -- but not easy anymore. My sister used to say that "he tricked us" and just made us think that he was easy going. Once he turned 18 months old, he required more than one pair of eyes watching him at all times. On THREE different occasions, he escaped from the play room of various fast food establishments, and I found him heading to the parking lot. One time, I'm humiliated to say, I retrieved him FROM the parking lot.
However you look at it, though, Collin Rogers is such a gift. His smile can turn every bad emotion into a happy one. One can only feel loved when Collin hugs you... with both arms and legs. He loves life, and I wish I could be a little bit more like Collin most days.

I will be forever grateful that God chose me to be Collin's mother.
Hey sis!!
ummmm ummmm I love me some Collin Rogers!!
It has been 4 wonderful years being Collin's "sassy".
He is the funniest, most loving, unique little boy!SO fun!!
I miss you Rogers 5!
I somehow missed this entry before our gathering??? Anyway, so precious that Collin. He is beautiful and ALL BOY! He'll surely rub off on Jon Brent next week. Love him and all that belong to you! Love you, too!!
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