Wednesday, April 22

We Need Help to Heal!

I've been reading a lot lately. Usually, I'm working my way through a book during quiet time moments. The books that catch my attention are written with the purpose of teaching skills, practices, and habits that lead to purpose-filled living in Christ.

Over and over, these books have shown me that healthy Christian living requires slowing down to process all that life throws at us. On repeat, I've read the pleadings of authors asking believers to stop and analyze thoughts and experiences against God's Word and the past. Our present is linked to our past, and it seems necessary to make time to process and make sense of it all together.

Early on, though, I found out that it's really hard to do that alone. We have an Enemy that doesn't want us well. He will send one obstacle after another to distract us from a healthy focus. On top of that, I can be my own worst enemy, because I don't possess the proper set of tools to navigate through past disappointment in a way that is helpful to today's purpose.

There's nothing glamorous about it, and most of the world still doesn't endorse it, but in my journey towards healthier living, I've needed professional help.

If you've followed this blog for long, you know that Scotty and I received intensive therapy shortly after his confession. I've always tried to be honest about the fact that we continued with therapy throughout those early years of healing. I'm sure many would be surprised to learn that shortly after our move to Florida, we realized that we needed counseling again. In fact, in recent months, we've waded through the deep waters of intensive therapy again. We may need professional counseling in some form or fashion for life.

I'm really OK to admit I've needed help, because the Bible is clear that there's wisdom in receiving it.

Without consultation plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed. 
Proverbs 15:22

A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out.
Proverbs 20:5

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.
Provers 11:14

Now, I have some wise and Godly friends, and I've leaned on them for help and support during difficult times. But, I've also needed to lean on the professionals, and I'm certain I wouldn't have been able to survive the darkness of my emotional responses to life without their help. 

Right now, we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. The scare of this virus is affecting everyone differently; however, we are all being pushed beyond normal limits. Quarantine is the perfect storm for emotional breakdowns, because most of the usual distractions have been stripped away. I've noticed that my inconsistent routine, closeness with the people in my home, and increased stress and anxiety all around me has provided the perfect space for the "not so sanctified" parts of my heart to bubble to the surface. 

You too? Good, because it would be awful if I was alone in my imperfection. Can I suggest that this is a really wonderful place to be? When God allows our imperfections to rise to the surface, we are wise to begin to cooperate with Him for healing. Exposure is a good thing! While all the world is despising the situation we are in, wishing for the normal distractions to return, and spinning out of control in worry and fear, we could rest in our Savior's arms. We could allow Him to deal with past hurts and disappointments in a way that brings understanding to present anxiety and frustration.

Getting help from counselors and friends has brought life to me. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I can't even imagine what my life would look like right now if I'd tried to find healing alone or pretended I didn't need help at all. So, as long as I live I will sing the praises of therapists, counselors, and life coaches, and I'll beg my friends and family to find help from a Christian professional. 

Rebekah Lyons says, calling is where your talents and burdens collide. I believe that! Often, we need help to navigate through the burdens, the struggles, the mistakes, and (sometimes) the trauma in order to find purpose. But, healed pain will always lead to purpose. The process hasn't always been fun, but it's been completely worth it. I'm so thankful for the help I've received. 

But, the time is coming  -- indeed it is here now -- when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.
John 4: 23-24

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