Tuesday, April 7

Heal My Heart, Jesus

Sunday mornings looks a little different these days. We're in our PJ's, and we're eating breakfast while we tune in to worship. I miss my people, but I kind of love this experience.

We aren't really a family of musicians. Music isn't our thing, but a powerful worship song is still a huge part of "church." This week, our worship team led in an older song, Hosannah (Hillsong).

As soon as the first note was played, I remembered early 2011. One of the first times I heard this song on the radio, God's Spirit caused the lyrics to waken my spirit in a powerful way. I can't really describe what happened, but the message of this song caused deep emotion within me each and every time, and I was led to pray asking God to do what only He could do. I didn't even understand what was happening or what I was asking.

Later that year, Scotty and I experienced a crisis. In the early days of that life-changing event, I was driving home from the gym when the song began to play and specific words caused me to break down. I needed to pull over, because the emotion was so great....

These are powerful words with a beautiful message, but that's not why I was so emotional. My tears came from a place of shock and awe in a God that caused me to identify with words in a song long before my soul could realize my need for them. In the Spring of 2011, I believe the Spirit of Jesus led me to pray these words for myself and my healing as I sang along with a worship song. 

Later that year, God honored my little (and very uninformed) prayer. He began healing my heart by allowing it to be broken. He opened my eyes to things I'd not seen before, and He called me to walk away from my earthly focus with eyes fixed on eternity. But, He did it through crisis, and struggle, and pain. 

I wonder how many times I've prayed words God's Spirit led me to pray and then refused to cooperate in His answer because it was hard. I've been so guilty of missing the mark, because I wanted to believe God's ways are always neat and tidy. Why have I been so easily lured into believing God's path has to be pretty?

The most beautiful lessons I've learned have come through brokenness. 

My heart's healing began with painful experiences and every one has been worth it. 

Experiencing life with eternal vision is a process, and that process is often difficult.

I don't know if you're in the middle of something hard. If you are, please don't bail. Listen to this song on repeat. Pray the words I've included in the image and pray them over and over. It turns out the Bible really is TRUTH, and God's ways really are higher than our ways, (Isaiah 55: 8-9). He's very likely doing a beautiful, healing thing in our hearts. Let's stick it out and trust Him together. 

Without a doubt, I know that God's most amazing works are the ones His Spirit does inside of me, and I never want to miss them. 

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