Monday, February 6

Who's Up for a Challenge?

Just a quick post to talk about this book that Scotty and I are finally reading. I know the rest of the world is already very familiar with Crazy Love, but we are just getting acquainted with Francis Chan and his radical thoughts.

First of all, I sped through the book like I do all great books and then wished I had enjoyed it at a little slower pace. So, now I'm reading it a second time and doing just that. I'm reading, re-reading, highlighting and prayerfully considering the thought, "O.K. What now?"

This is the kind of book that I'm NOT going to be able to put on a shelf and conveniently move on to the next great read. No! This book is going to need a response. And, while I've never considered myself one to be extremely attached to luxuries of this world, I have realized that I'm WAY to comfortable with the routines of this life.

On top of that, the overwhelming message of the book has been that God has gone to such extreme measures to pursue relationship with me, so why am I so reserved in my response to Him? Why? I don't have an answer.

So, I'm ready!

I'm ready to be obedient to His call whatever the cost! (But, is it o.k. that I actually have butterflies just typing it?)

I'm ready to demonstrate complete trust in Him as my provider if He leads me to be risky in what I have foolishly considered to be MY possessions.

And, I'm ready to spend the rest of my earthly life making MUCH of God!

Now, I just need some direction. Hmmmm....

Then, Sunday, we were called into a 29 day prayer challenge. We were challenged to pray for 5 minutes each day for one specific thing. And, then to pray for spiritual awakening in families in our church. I'm all for prayer, and surely I can commit to pray for 5 minutes a day. But, for what?

Direction! I'm praying 5 minutes each day for direction. I am pleading for direction in the job hunt, direction in the sell of the house, and direction in determining if we should stay in or leave our community. That's a lot to cram into 5 minutes, right? I kind of feel like I'm cheating -- that seems like way more than one thing. Oh well, I felt like God was listening anyway this morning. ;)

This afternoon, my reading through Crazy Love came to my mind again, and I decided that while I'm praying for direction, I can also ask God to direct us into a very specific way that we can begin our change in lifestyle. And, that's exactly what it's going to be. I can no longer SAY that I'm more concerned with heavenly things than earthly things, while in many ways my life doesn't LOOK any different than an unbeliever's. I'm going to have to DO some things that demonstrate I really believe it!

I'm excited (and nervous)! So, some people have asked for updates here and there about how things are going and how they can pray. In a nutshell, there it is. DIRECTION! We need it -- in every area of our life.

And, while you're at it, why don't you join the prayer challenge? I bet we all have at least ONE area that consumes our thinking and causes us to lose focus on occasion. Why not take it to God on a daily basis and watch how He proves Himself faithful? AGAIN!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, offer your requests to God. And, the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  Phil. 4:6-7

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