Saturday, February 18

Daily Bread

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Well, I'm still studying the book of Exodus.I LOVE studying this book, and I love it for so many different reasons. But, today I'm struck by the main reason... every time I read a chapter from this book, God teaches me something brand new through His people, the Israelites.

This morning, it was rainy, cold and yucky outside. I got to sleep a little longer than usual. So, I went to my chair, pulled out my Bible and turned to Exodus chapter 16. Manna and Quail.

God's chosen people are wandering through the desert to a land that God has promised them... A land flowing with milk and honey. But, so far, they've struggled to find food and been led to water that was bitter! Now, God never forgot them (although I'd say who could blame Him if He had because they grumbled so much), and He performed a miracle to make the bitter water sweet. He then led them to a land of springs and palm trees which provided the Israelites with peace, rest and COMFORT!

Once again, chapter 16 opens with the Israelites complaining and wishing to be back in Egypt where they NEVER went hungry... you know, their glorious life of SLAVERY!

Anyway, God answers their complaints with a promise that He hands to them through Moses. He tells Moses,

 "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day." (verse 4)

I guess you can see which parts of this message meant so much to me... "each day" and "that day".

In other words, God is telling His people that He will meet their needs, but He is going to do it on a daily basis. They were going to have to trust that even though they had NOTHING for their next day's meal at night, there would be "bread from heaven" the next morning.

For the most part, I don't know what this feels like. I know there are people in the world that honestly DO NOT know where their next meal will come from. And, thankfully, I haven't been in that position. But, lately, I HAVE been in the position of NEEDING God's provision of love, strength and compassion on a daily basis. And, He has provided perfectly EVERY time.

There have been nights that I have fallen asleep thinking about someone, and I would feel like those thoughts would consume me. In those moments, I'd begin to think of the next day and all of the places I might possibly run into that person. Those moments are few and far between, but they are still there. I have to deliberately give those moments to God and beg for redirection. And, guess what? The next morning dawns with new mercies... enough for THAT day!

You see, I'd like for God to just do one GIANT work and rid me of all insecurities, fears, hates, etc. And, then, I could just go on with life healed and prepared for each new day. I'd give Him the glory! I promise.

But, I think He wants to teach ME the same thing that He wanted to teach the Israelites... dependence on Him. DAILY!!! What if He dropped all of the manna that they would need for their journey in one night. And, the next morning, they were to gather all they would need and find a way to store it. Do you think that every time they went to the stored manna they would thank their Heavenly Father who had provided for them?

Maybe. But, I doubt it.

God knows us so well! He knew that even though He'd asked them to gather only enough for THAT day, some would try to hoard the manna. Miraculously, any extra manna rotted and began to stink by the next day. No. This wasn't a lesson in saving and hoarding, this was a lesson in TRUST. Clearly, the Israelites NEEDED this lesson. And, I'm so glad, because I need it too. 

We want to feel self sufficient. We need to feel capable. And, while those things aren't terrible, they are sometimes our downfall.

I wonder how many nights those Israelites had to fall asleep worrying and fretting over what they'd eat the next day before they began to fully trust that there would be manna on the ground? Of course, I don't know the answer to that question. I'd like to think there were at least a few of them that never worried. Surely, there were a couple that rested their heads and fell asleep anticipating the morning meal simply because the Father said it would be there. I'd be willing to bet that the majority had to SEE the proof of God's faithfulness before trust took over fear.

I'm pretty hard headed, but I'm getting there. I won't attempt to make you believe that I live out my days without fear or worry. But, I'll tell you this... I live more days like that than I ever have before. And, do you know why... Because day after day, my "manna" is there.

Each and every morning.

New mercies.

GREAT is HIS faithfulness.

There's one other point that I want to make. The Israelites had to GATHER their own manna. God did not drop it right into their tents. They had to go out and get what they needed for that day.

Spiritually speaking, we must do the same thing. God promises ALL of the grace and mercy that we need to get through ANY situation common to this world. But, we have to be willing to trust Him to walk us through. We have to be willing to DO what He asks us to do in our tough situations.

I love what Beth Moore says, "I finally understood the nature of God's mercy and grace. They are always there, available every day, prior to our need, and in direct proportion to every moment's demand; but we must gather them. That part is completely our responsibility."

I can't sit back with arms crossed and wonder why I'm not receiving new mercies every day when I haven't...

Forgiven where He's asked me to forgive.

Trusted where He's asked me to trust.

Studied what He's asked me to study.

Given what He's asked me to give.

This list could go on an on, but I think you get the idea. We can't just sit back apathetically waiting for transformation in our lives. Let's actively pursue the One who transforms.

"I am the LORD, your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it."  Psalm 81:10


Carrie said...

Thank you for that. I needed to hear it again. I too promise I would give God the glory if He would just do one GIANT work... but that's not the way it works. ha! Still praying for yall.

Megan said...

thank you pastor Amy! :) I may read this everyday for awhile until I start really putting it into practice. I love it-gather the manna, trust God for the provision, and look expectantly for it!

Alyson said...

Hi Amy. I loved your blogpost. I hope that you don't mind that I shared this particular post with my bible study group because we too are studying Exodus and Numbers in the first part of Priscilla Shirer's One in A Million. I'm so encouraged by your faith and trust in God. In my opinion, it is so easy to say, "Yes, Lord, I want to follow you and trust you in the direction you want me to go." the decision is the easy's the actual effort and required work on our part that is difficult. Manna was "the bread of heaven", or as Priscilla Shirer calls it, the original angel food cake. LOL

Amy said...

Hey, Alyson! So good to hear from you. :). Of course I don't mind! And, I love the "angel food cake". Very cute!

Megan, one day I'm going to learn how to be a little less wordy in my posts. You summed it all up very nicely.

Amy said...

Hey, Alyson! So good to hear from you. :). Of course I don't mind! And, I love the "angel food cake". Very cute!

Megan, one day I'm going to learn how to be a little less wordy in my posts. You summed it all up very nicely.

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