I knew it was coming. As soon as I rolled the calendar over to July, my stomach tightened at the thought of what was now just around the corner. Anniversaries are usually such a happy time. Except when the anniversary marks the death of someone close to you...a friend, a father, a husband, a son. July 12th is that kind of anniversary. That is the day that Jason Weathers went to heaven leaving my friend,
Stephanie, and their three precious children.
I love it when God speaks to me in a VERY real way, yet very unexpected way. I went to KinderTOT camp with Collin today (at his request). While I watched, I did a little bit of my Bible study which is Beth Moore's study of the fruit of the Spirit. The week's lesson is on peace. Could that be any more perfect for this week?
Peace. When life is good.
Peace. When life is hard.
Peace. When life is downright unbearable.
In the very first day's study, I was led through Job. What a perfect example of a life at peace even in the most difficult of circumstances. Beth Moore even stated that surely God gave us Job so that, no matter what we are going through, we can look at Job and say, "He had it so much worse than me, and he made it."
I was moving through the study as I always do. Reading passages, filling in blanks, etc. when I stumbled across a few verses that I honestly do not ever remember reading.
In the second or third chapter, Job is covered in sores, he's lost all of his possessions and his children. I read across everyone's most familiar portion of Job. His wife tells him to "curse God and die". Then, I read through few verses about Job's friends. They hear of his situation and come to visit him. The scriptures say that they could barely recognize him from a distance. But, as they got closer, they tore their clothes and wept for him because his grief was so great.
This is how I feel most days. I just want to sit down and cry for my friend, because her grief is so great. And not only that, the grief that she carries for her children is so great. I am not alone, either. Stephanie is surrounded by friends that are equally as affected as I have been by her situation. Job's friends, I read, sat with Job. They didn't really say anything to him. What can you say when you sit with someone who is experiencing unspeakable pain? BUT, they sat with him. Their presence said to Job, "We are with you...You will not face this alone."
I'm so thankful for friendships. For my own, but also for the many that God has given to Stephanie. Such friendships prove that God gives us exactly what we need/who we need to weather any storm handed to us. In my life, God has given me the testimony of Jason's life and death. As I face my own difficult times, I will be able to look at Stephanie's situation and know that what she has lived through has been so hard, but she survived it. I am so proud of her. She is not only surviving, but she is thriving. Her worst fears have come true, yet she is living in PEACE.
"His grace is sufficient for me for His power is made perfect in weakness."