Her blog explains it nicely. Once tagged, I am to go to photos on my computer, choose the 6th folder and the 6th picture and post it on my blog. Then, I have to tag 6 people to do the same. Now, if you look at her post, her picture is so nice and glamorous. Not the case for mine!
So, thanks Jenny for the tag. And, (drumroll please) I tag; Michael of the Ford Retort, Jamie of A Day in the Life..., Stephanie of Leaning on Everlasting Arms, DeeDee of As We Go..., Jill of In this Life and Amy of The Henry Crew. Come on guys. It really was fun. :)
P.S. Can you believe I actually posted a post-baby chunky picture of myself. I'm sure many of you are thinking that I could have lied about my 6th folder/6th picture. But, where is the fun in that? So, you chosen 6 -- no cheating. Sixth folder, sixth picture, tag 6 people. I'll be waiting.
AND, I know I am getting long winded, but I just had to show you the #5 picture in this folder. Maybe some of you are wondering where Collin was while I was posing with Caleb and Claire. Well....
Hi Am!
I LOVED this!
I am going right now to look at all 6 of the blogs to see if they have a post...
The pic of you and Caleb/Claire is REALLY cute BUT COLLIN...Bless his heart!!! So darn cute!
Love U,
P.S. I noticed NOTHING "chunky"about you in that picture!!
O.K. I'm just remembering here but didn't Colin try to hide Claire under the rocking chair right after she was born. And there was another one...was it that he climbed into the crib with her. I remember laughing so much about that...AFTER we knew she was o.k.
Okay - I haven't been too "bloggy" lately...my sister's baby shower is tomorrow in San Antonio so it may be Sunday before I get to it - I may stay up late enough tonight but no promises!!
This is a fun tag! Thanks for including me...I will cooperate.
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