Sunday, December 25

Our Life's New Normal

Well, Christmas is over. Gifts are put in their 'homes". Most of the laundry from our trip is put away. Life is pretty much back to normal. And, so... I'm struck with this thought.

"What is our normal now?"

I don't know that answer. I can't even share possible answers. Our house is still for sale. We are pretty sure we know what Scotty's long term work will be. But, that won't start until the house sells, and we can move. So, we don't know what he will be doing in the meantime. If we are moving, I need to start packing some stuff away and preparing. But, if God shows us that moving isn't the answer, then I want to keep our stuff right where it is. Do you see my dilemma?

"What is normal?" I DON'T KNOW!!!

Here's what I DO know. Prior to August 26th, I had a pretty set routine. I knew 'normal' well. There wasn't much question about what was to come each day. I mean... I'd already planned it out and written it on the calendar.

Post August, I haven't known what to expect each day. All I've known is that I can't do it alone. My days have begun with urgent pleading that God guide me, well CARRY, me through that day. And, because He's done that faithfully, each day has ended with humble gratitude to a God that has demonstrated a determination to restore us personally and relationally to a place even better than before. And, I'm amazed at how quickly He's started us on that path.

So maybe uncertainty is our new normal. If you know me at all, you might expect that makes me crazy. It should! I agree. But I've got to tell you... Not knowing where I'm headed on a daily basis but KNOWING Who is guiding me has been one of the largest blessings of my life. You see, after 4 months of living in this lifestyle, I can fully trust that God loves me with a love that redeems, restores, delivers, guides, protects, and encourages. Therefore, I start my days with a sense of uncertainty, maybe. But, I'm sure of the fact that God WILL demonstrate Himself to me in VERY REAL ways throughout each day.

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3

Without a doubt, SOME of my days are filled with confusion, hurt, anxiety and fear. But ALL of my days are filled with humility, gratitude, hope and anticipation. God does have a plan for us, and I'm waiting in expectation for the revealing of that plan.

Until then... I'm going to enjoy the blessings of this new normal.

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